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Vladimir N. Pokrovskii.
  Thermodynamics of Complex Systems:
 Principles and applications.
IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK, 2020

В.Н. Покровский.
 Введение в термодинамику сложных систем:
Принципы математического  моделирования и  некоторые приложения.
 Москва., URSS,  ЛЕНАНД. 2014.

Vladimir N Pokrovski.
A Derivation of the Main Relations of Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
Hindawi Publishing Corporation ISRN Thermodynamics Volume 2013, Article ID 906136, 9 pages

Vladimir N Pokrovski. Extended thermodynamics in a discrete-system approach
Eur. J. Phys. 26 (2005) 769–781

Vladimir N Pokrovski. Equations of motion of viscoelastic systems as derived from the conservation laws
and the phenomenological theory of nonequilibrium processes.

Polimer Mechanics (1970)  Vol.6, №5, p. 693-702
(Russian Original: Механика полимеров, 1970,  №5, 799 – 811)